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Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTICS 2016)
Fensel, A., Zaveri, A., Hellmann, S., Pellegrini, T.
2 016
Semantic Web Services Textbook
Dieter Fensel and Federico Michele Facca and Elena Simperl and Ioan Toma
2 011
Modeling Semantic Web Services: The Web Service Modeling Language
Jos de Bruijn and Dieter Fensel and Mick Kerrigan and Uwe Keller and Holger Lausen and James Scicluna
2 008
Implementing Semantic Web Services - The SESA Framework
Dieter Fensel, Mick Kerrigan, Michal Zaremba
2 008
An Approach to Ontology Construction: And its Application to Community Portals
Anna Fensel
2 008
Enabling Semantic Web Services: The Web Service Modeling Ontology
Dieter Fensel, Holger Lausen, Axel Polleres, Jos de Bruijn, Michael Stollberg, Dumitru Roman, John Domingue
2 006
Information Integration with Ontologies: Experiences from an Industrial Showcase
Vladimir Alexiev and Michael Breu and Jos de Bruijn and Dieter Fensel and Rubén Lara and Holger Lausen
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