STI Innsbruck is a research group at the University of Innsbruck engaged in research and development to bring information and communication technologies of the future into today's world.

Sigurd Harand


Dr. Sigurd Harand worked for 4 years for DERI coordinating the large DIP Integrated Project that achieved land marking results in the area of Semantic Web Services.



Obituary - by Dr. Peter Smolle


Sigurd is gone from us – forever !

But he shall be and will be in our heart due to his unforgotten mindset he created in all of us. He was an unique and highly intelligent Charakter who cannot be forgotten that easily

Just a few spots from his live which impressed me during all the years when we worked together, sometimes close as colleagues at IBM later on as a Customer of mine:

  •  IBM Country SE Manager Austria
  •  Executive position for Services in the IBM US
  •  Building up the IBM Banking Business in CEE
  •  CIO for Bundesländer Insurance Austria
  •  CIO for mobilcom Austria
  •  Project Director for DIP  (A rough JOB, challenging but sucessful for all of us)
  •  Several Consulting Jobs on European level, you name them-

Sigurd was a strange Charakter not easy to become friends, but if so  he was open trustful and of immense help with his experience in life and business


As a Mathematician, he never left his roots , always logical and holistic thinking

As an IT GURU he he adopted the complexitiy of Data and Processes

As an Manager he was the enabling and target setting type of

And he was THE exeptionally gifted networker to connect and link with people all around the world


I special liked his kind of humor:

Sigurd (driving with me in the car during snow fall) Peter, dont  you also wonder why the snow always comes from the front oft he car and never from the back ???

is this an new, undetected law of physics ???

Peter (me): Sigurd you got it, I shall ask Wolfgang Pauli!

Both after 10 seconds : laughter


One of his saying always was:

There is enough time to fill it with something, I shall fill mine with work and friends


Sigurd we miss you