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User-generated microservices are components or lightweight applications which allow users to obtain and provide information, e.g. opinions, recommendations, location or speed, and functionality to fellow users. They can be created and consumed on the end-user’s own terminals or “on-the-go”, in particular, at events such as conferences, exhibitions, music festivals. Such type of content and applications has been shown to be highly desirable for end-users on mobile platforms, e.g. for location based services addressing virtual communities and entertainment. This thesis work will be undertaken in the framework of the EU-funded project m:Ciudad (http://www.mciudad-fp7.org). m:Ciudad is a service architecture, a set of mobile tools and a platform to allow users to create focused, knowledge-based mobile microservices. Microservices will be shareable and downloadable in order to allow every end user to become a microservice generator and provider. The goal of the proposed thesis is an identification of useful (here, relevant to the user’s context) ontology concepts or tags. This could be achieved, for example, by an analysis of social networking data. A simple concept or tags search and ranking algorithm and its visualization are to be designed and implemented. The algorithms would also consider the user’s profile and community information, and estimate the degree of relevance of an ontology concept or a tag to the user. In the m:Ciudad project, the developed mechanism will be applied to mobile context-aware microservice composition, search and sharing. The thesis project will work with semantic data available as Linked Open Data. For example, when applying to the research domain, DBLP scientific papers publications data and data of scientific conferences attendance by researchers can be used. Technologies such as Open Social API might be used. References: • Berners-Lee, T., Hendler, J., Lassila, O., 2001. The Semantic Web. Scientific American 284(5), pp. 34-43. • Lieberman, Henry; Paternò, Fabio; Wulf, Volker (Eds.), End User Development Human-Computer Interaction Series, Vol. 9 2006, XVI, 492 p., Hardcover. • Jameson (2006). Usability and the Semantic Web. In Y. Sure & J. B. Domingue (Eds.), The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: Proceedings of the Third European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2006 (p. 3). Berlin: Springer. • Linked Open Data: http://linkeddata.org/ • Jena Semantic Web Framework: http://jena.sourceforge.net
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