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The mediation services play a crucial role in WSMX. They encapsulate the actual technical solution needed in solving a given heterogeneity problem. At first level we have the mediation services which represent classical Web services that are able to offer mediation solutions for a specific class of heterogeneity problems (for example there could be a service able to perform ontology-based data mediation, in particular transformation of instances from the terms of the source ontology in the terms of the target ontology). The mediation services will be semantically described as Semantic Mediators using semantic technologies (i.e. WSMO). There are two mediation run-time tools developed as part of WSMX so far: ontology to ontology run-time mediation and process mediation. The task will consist of deploying these components as classical Web Services (first step) and semantically describing them as Semantic Mediator Services (second step). Some minor adjustments and updates to the run-time components may also be needed (for this, the full support of the people who developed the tools will be provided).
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