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Nowaday, almost everyone is using eMail as a tool for communication and collaboration everyday. Especially in a business setting eMail became extremely important and a major means for information exchange as well as distibution of tasks within an organization. Further, eMail overload is a common problem of people in companies.
In order to improve the support of tools for helping people to deal with eMail, semantic descriptions about eMails and their elements is a generic means to help tools to understand message context and provide therefore automated and smart support for humans.
Semantics in eMails can be used at least for two independent elements of an eMail:
Both aspects have been proposed and studied recently to some extent.
The purpose of this project is to explore and demonstrate the benefit of semantics in eMail.
This includes:
The project requires motivation and dedication to the project, the ability to learn about real-world (widely used) technologies, programming skills and creativity. Candidates will have to develop the design of the solution themselves (under guidance of the tutor).
In return the project is a nice software engineering problem, that covers many practical skills that are needed in industry. Hence, a perfect training for an everyday problem of software engineers. At the same time, it is concerned with a topic at the edge of Web development that has not reached industry yet, but has significant potential to be picked up by industry.
The propsed work will be carried out within the Semantic Engineering Support Environment project (SEnSE) and will be actually be used in the context of this project.
[1] Michael Kassoff, Charles Petrie, Lee-Ming Zen, and Michael Genesereth:
"Semantic Email Addressing: Sending
Email to People, Not Strings,"
AAAI 2006 Fall Symposium on Integrating Reasoning into Everyday Applications.
[2] Luke McDowell, Oren Etzioni, Alon Halevy, and Henry Levy: "Semantic EMail". Thirteen International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2004), May 2004.
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