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In the context of this thesis we have built a WSML-DL reasoner prototype. We used and therefore provide a theoretical overview of some Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services technologies: OWL-DL, WSML-DL and the underlying Description Logics. We briefly describe some major standard and non-standard reasoning tasks that are relevant for DL reasoning. We have surveyed four state-of-the-art DL reasoners, namely FaCT++, KAON2, Pellet and RACER, as well as two common interfaces that allow to integrate these systems, namely DIG and the Wonderweb OWL API. We built a mapping from WSML-DL to OWL-DL, which we implemented using the OWL API. We integrated Pellet as first DL reasoner in the WSML2Reasoner framework, using the OWL API interface of Pellet
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