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SE Research Seminar: Semantic Technology SS 2022

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General information
703340 SE Friday 10.15 - 12.45
703340 SE Thursday 18.00 - 19.30
703340 SE Tuesday 11.00 - 18.00
eLecture - online
Seminarraum 1 (ICT-Gebäude)

Learning Outcome:

Deeper understanding of a modern computer science area (semantic technology); gaining the capacity to develop the area independently.



This seminar will focus on conduction of independent research in the area of semantic technology. We will be creating new technology with ontologies and knowledge graphs, as well as combining semantic technology with other computer science developements (e.g. from machine learning, human computer interaction) and other disciplines. Also, we will be conceptualizing and prototyping new types of semantic technology applications.

The seminar will be also be used to faciliate the research work that is made in the context of Master, PhD theses and research projects.

Results of the work at the research seminar may be published as research papers. Examples of published research papers that were produced previously in similar settings at STI group / Anna Fensel 's courses, and have Master students as main authors are as follows:


  1. Breitfuss, A., Errou, K., Kurteva, A., & Fensel, A. (2021). "Representing emotions with knowledge graphs for movie recommendations", Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 125, pp. 715-725. (SCI-indexed journal, impact factor: 6.125; CORE journal rank: A)
  2. Schaffenrath R., Proksch D., Kopp M., Albasini I., Panasiuk O., Fensel A. Benchmark for Performance Evaluation of SHACL Implementations in Graph Databases. In: Gutiérrez-Basulto V., Kliegr T., Soylu A., Giese M., Roman D. (eds) Rules and Reasoning. RuleML+RR 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12173. Springer (2020). (Best Student Paper Award of the RuleML+RR'20 conference)
  3. Kärle, E., Fensel, A. "Multi-platform mobile service creation: increasing brand touch-points for hotels". Journal of Mobile Multimedia, Vol. 12, No. 1&2, Rinton Press (2016), pp. 091-109. (Journal Article of the Year Award from ENTER’17 conference)




State of the art review (literature, events); concept creation; ontology construction; prototyping; evaluation; discussion; paper writing; presentation.



Continuously during the semester.



Will be discussed at the seminar.





Time: Group 0  | Fensel A.


  • Fri 11.03.2022      10.15 - 12.45       eLecture - online
  • Thu 14.04.2022    18.00 - 19.30      eLecture - online
  • Tue 03.05.2022    11.00 - 18.00      Seminarraum 1 (ICT-Gebäude)
