Research is the core task of STI Innsbruck. Our motto is "Enabling Semantics". Find out more about our current research directions!
Modelling is an integrated part of software engineering approaches. Business process models are widely used to describe how work is done within an organization, while various product models describe what is done. Various approaches based on model-driven engineering (MDE) concepts, such as the OMG MDA (Model Driven Architecture) and related efforts around domain-specific languages have gained much popularity. Business models are described in the computation-independent models (CIMs) while for the product models, the model-driven approach separates platform-independent models (PIMs) from the platform-specific ones (PSMs) in order to abstract the implementation technologies. The objective of SHAPE is to support the development and the realization of enterprise systems based on Semantically-enabled Heterogeneous Architectures(SHA). SHA extends service-oriented architecture (SOA) with semantics and heterogeneous infrastructures (Web services, agents, Semantic Web Services,P2P and grid) under a unified service-oriented approach. SHAPE will develop a model-driven engineering (MDE) tool-supported methodology. SHAPE will take an active role in the standardization of metamodels and languages for SHA. The technical results will be compliant with the proposed standards to ensure high industry acceptance. In current SOA approaches, business requirements and technical details are intertwined constraining the evolution of service-oriented business solutions. SHAPE will provide metamodels and languages, methods and tools to separate the different viewpoints of SOA for the development of semantically-enabled, flexible and adaptive business services on a rich SHA-infrastructure.