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DERI & Ontoprise GmbH Announce Joint Co-Operation

Publication Date: 
May, 2005

The German software company Ontoprise GmbH, one of the European leaders in Ontology Management tools, and the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), located at the two Universities of Innsbruck (Austria) and Galway (Ireland) have signed a far reaching agreement of cooperation today at the opening of the European Conference on Semantic Web (ESWC2005) in Crete. Ontoprise will grant DERI access to the source code of its Ontology Management tool OntoStudio, one of the leading commercial ontology engineering tools. Ontoprise and DERI will in future closely collaborate in the further development of this product. DERI in turn will include support for new ontology languages, especially the family of WSML variants, and the Web Service Modelling Ontology (WSMO), and release the results under an open-source license to the general public. It is intended to make the resulting tool available free of charge for non-commercial use. "This agreement is fundamental, since it bundles the efforts of two very strong players in the field of Semantic Web technology", summarizes Professor Dieter Fensel, founder and scientific director of DERI. DERI is Europes leading research institute in the field of Semantic technology. Ontoprise is one of the leading commercial developers of Ontology Management software, with many years of experience in the commercial application of semantic technology.