We make the measurability of our R&D results one of our primary tasks. We want to show to the world that semantic technologies are becoming reality. Find out more about our results and our spin-off companies.
Dumitru Roman and Uwe Keller and Holger Lausen and Jos de Bruijn and Ruben Lara and Michael Stollberg and Axel Polleres and Cristina Feier and Christoph Bussler and Dieter Fensel
Dieter Fensel and Enrico Motta and Frank van Harmelen and V. Richard Benjamins and Monica Crubezy and Stefan Decker and Mauro Gaspari and Rix Groenboom and William Grosso and Mark Musen and Enric Plaza and Guus Schreiber and Rudi Studer and Bob Wielinga
H. Akkermans, J.Broekstra, J. Davies, Ying Ding, R. Engels, Dieter Fensel, F. van Harmelen, I. Horrocks, V. Iosif, A. Kampman, A. Kiryakov, M. Klein, U. Krohn, T. Lau, J. van der Meer, U. Reimer, R. Studer, Y. Sure