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Mapping FERATEL Content to Schema.org in the Tourismusverband Innsbruck Pilot

Corneliu Valentin Stanciu, Ioannis Stavrakantonakis, Ioan Toma
Publishing Date:
Having a good online marketing strategy results into higher online visibility and ultimately into increased sales. In order to achieve this goal it is however essential that multiple communication channels and technologies are properly used. In particular having annotations on the website that can be understood by search engines busts the online visibility and increases the chances that the website is in the search engines results to a relevant query. As part of our pilot with Tourismusverband Innsbruck (TVb) we have annotated part of their website content with schema.org. Some of this content is actually provided by feratel media technologies AG3.
This document introduces the mapping of feratel content to schema.org in the TVb pilot. The reminder of this document is structured as follows. Section 2 briefly introduces schema.org, the vocabulary used for annotations. Section 3  describes which subset of schema.org was selected in order to annotate the content. Section 4 describes the actual implementation of the mappings and its limitations due to constraints we can’t influence. Finally, Section 5 concludes the document and gives an outlook on how the mappings should be properly implemented.


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