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Researchseminar SS 2010

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General information
Mo 24.05. 08.00 - 19.00
<a href="http://www.sti2.org/symposium2010">STI Symposium 2010</a>, Kalamaki, Crete, Greece

The research seminar should provide a framework for giving trial presentations for the papers which are presented at workshops and conferences, for receiving feedback and foster collaboration on new emerging research ideas and projects in an early stage of their development, and for invited talks. No further constraints regarding the topics, the format or the length of the presentations are defined. The number of presentations in each meeting varies depending of course on the time requested by each speaker. Potential speakers should announce their intention to give a talk in the seminar by email to Katharina Siorpaes.
In addition the seminar will introduce selected topics from Computer Science and Engineering or other adjacent discplines, which are core for the research and development carried out in our institute. Among these topics we mention Problem-Solving Methods, Formal Languages, Reasoning, or the Semantic Web. Throughout the seminar the students will be asked to study a particular aspect of the aforementioned topics (following pre-defined literature) and to present their findings to the audience. The assignment and scheduling of the presentations will be done in the first meeting of the seminar.


The basic concept is twofold: to create a solid yet informal and flexible space in which researchers in the field of semantic technologies are given the opportunity to regularly expose their research interests and results to the public; and to train researchers in areas of science and engineering which are key to our institute. The research seminar is targeted at both junior and senior researchers and is open to Bachelor and Master students interested in STI-related research topics. It is mandatory for all PhD students of STI Innsbruck and their supervisors.


There is no examination associated to this seminar. In order to pass the seminar the students are requested to give a presentation of their research work and to study and present an assigned topic. The attendance of the seminar is obligatory. Students are allowed to miss maximally 2 hours of the total number of seminar hours.