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Smart Data SS 2021

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General information
703963 SE Wednesday 14.15 - 16.00
eLecture - online

Learning Outcome:

High-quality PhD research is widely recognized as one of the key success factors in every academic institution. While doing a PhD necessarily implies a high amount of individual research work, the role of supervision is essential for the systematic operation of the process and its successful finalization.

This seminar is targeted at PhD students whose research interests cover Data Science, Semantic Web and Web Service areas. It is intended to provide PhD students with the opportunity to develop the skill to critically read, evaluate and present research papers, learn to present advanced topics to a specialized audience of fellow PhD students and PostDocs and receive feedback, and obtain a broad overview of important recent developments in Data Science research.



It consists in a mix of a literature seminar, with the presentation of both classic, influential papers and preprints or very recent publications, and the presentation of advanced topics in the field of Data Science. The papers and topics may be unrelated to each participant specific research. The main objective is to learn about both important and recent developments and how results are commonly presented in the field.



The format are presentations of 30 minutes followed by discussion. The presentation should be directed to initiate this discussion. The evaluation is based on the presentation and participation to the discussions



Students are requested to give presentations in the seminar. The grade is based on the given presentations and activity in the seminar.





Time: Group 0


  • Wed 03.03.2021  14.15 - 16.00    eLecture - online
  • Wed 10.03.2021  14.15 - 16.00    eLecture - online
  • Wed 17.03.2021  14.15 - 16.00    eLecture - online
  • Wed 24.03.2021  14.15 - 16.00    eLecture - online
  • Wed 14.04.2021  14.15 - 16.00    eLecture - online
  • Wed 21.04.2021  14.15 - 16.00    eLecture - online
  • Wed 28.04.2021  14.15 - 16.00    eLecture - online
  • Wed 05.05.2021  14.15 - 16.00    eLecture - online
  • Wed 12.05.2021  14.15 - 16.00    eLecture - online
  • Wed 19.05.2021  14.15 - 16.00    eLecture - online
  • Wed 26.05.2021  14.15 - 16.00    eLecture - online
  • Wed 02.06.2021  14.15 - 16.00    eLecture - online
  • Wed 09.06.2021  14.15 - 16.00    eLecture - online
  • Wed 16.06.2021  14.15 - 16.00    eLecture - online
  • Wed 23.06.2021  14.15 - 16.00    eLecture - online
