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The Web Service Modeling Language (WSML) [1] is a family of formal languages for semantically describing various aspects related to Semantic Web Services. Its semantics is based on different well-known logical formalisms like e.g. Description Logics, Logic Programming, First-order Logic. According to these different influences there exist different variants of WSML with different levels of logical expressiveness. WSML provides a conceptual model that distinguishes four top-level elements, namely ontologies, Web services, Goals and Mediators, as well as a logical expression syntax.
There exists already a WSML parser, based on the Java open-source parser generator SableCC[2]. A parser syntactically analyses a sequence of tokens with respect to a given formal grammar such as e.g. the WSML grammar. A parser generator (also called compiler-compiler) is a tool that automatically generates a parser from such a grammar in BNF form (e.g. Yacc, SableCC).
The aim of this thesis is the implementation of a new WSML parser: This parser shall replace the existing parser, and it should outrun this SableCC parser in (first) being faster and (second) supporting fault handling. It will be embedded into the WSMO API and reference implementation WSMO4J [3].
Part of the thesis will also be a survey of existing parser generators with an evaluation of their performance and their characteristics and supported features.
http://sablecc.org/ [3]
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