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The aims of this thesis is to explore the field of SOA and Service Monitoring
applying semantic technologies. Service and SOA monitoring are research
topics that are acquiring more and more relevance in the industrial context,
where Enterprise needs to proactively manage services and functionalities
exposed by their service bus. The monitoring system developed should not
be invasive, respecting the principle that monitoring is a cross cutting functionality
that should not affect single components functionality and their performance.
The candidate will also explore the usage of monitored data for simple analysis
and faulthandling support. For example, interesting applications may regard
QoS evaluation and pay-per-usage according to the billing policy attached to the service descriptions.
The thesis will be conducted in the context of European Union founded project COIN (
www.coin-ip.eu/). It is expected that the involved student will provide support for work related to monitoring of services and SOA, delivery of the test case scenario for showing COIN Baseline Platform capabilities. The student
will also contribute to the development of WSMX and to support COIN partners in deployment of services on WSMX. The student will be contracted part time on a paid contract for a period of up to six months by STI to contribute to particular tasks of the project related to the topic of the thesis.
Eventually the contract may be extended. The student may be required
to participate to COIN project meetings according to her/his will to travel.
Contact person in charge.