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WSMO is a conceptual model for relevant aspects related to Semantic Web services. It provides an an ontological specification for the core elements of Semantic Web services, which supports the deployment and interoperability of services.
The Unified Service Description Language (USDL) builds on models for describing services, and creates a unified description of related efforts. The general design principle was to create a unifying entry point into the overall set of service metadata, which in the end, comprises several artifacts in different formats. The role of USDL is to enable a number of IoS use cases, among them discovery/matchmaking, aggregation and bundling.
The objective of this thesis is to understand the two related but different approaches to the desciption of services and to compare the two in order to evalute the differences, overlaps and complementaries. This fundamental investigation will allow to specify mappings between the two and (potentially) to realize an implementation that translates from one model to the other.
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